This week on the [edit] radio podcast, founder Kevin Lawson talks about his time at Leeds Festival, feeling exhausted and about his friends ‘Big Thing’ for Jessie Ware.
Band “Song” [Album]
- Animal Collective “Applesauce” [Centipede Hz]
- The Shins “New Slang” [Oh, Inverted World]
- Funeral Suits “Health” [Lily Of The Valley]
- Jessie Ware “Sweet Talk” [Devotion]
- Bloc Party “V.A.L.I.S” [Four]
- Hot Chip “How Do You Do?” [In Our Heads]
- Wild Nothing “Disappear Always” [Nocturne]
- DIIV “Doused” [Oshin]
- Grizzly Bear “Yet Again” [Shields]
- Radiohead “Optimistic” [Kid A]
[edit] radio podcast 143 – Right Click and Save As to Download