In today’s podcast, Jenessa Williams talks about sad lo-fi indie, upbeat summer rock and the genre-bending female artists bold enough to commit to their vision without bowing to the pressures of fame.
Artist “Track” [Album]
- Lizzo “Rumors feat. Cardi B” [Single]
- Victoria Monet “Coastin’” [Single]
- Unknown Mortal Orchestra “That Life” [Single]
- Self Esteem “Prioritise Pleasure” [Prioritise Pleasure]
- Lorde “Secrets From A Girl” (Who’s Seen It All) [Solar Power]
- Billie Eilish “Billie Bossa Nova” [Happier Than Ever]
- Willow “Naive” [lately i feel EVERYTHING]
- Lowertown ‘The Gaping Mouth” [The Gaping Mouth]
- ATO “No Caroline” [Side A EP]
- Hayden Thorpe “Parallel Kingdom” [Moondust For My Diamond]
- Django Django, Denai Moore, Bullion “Say Something” [SINGLE]
- Binki ‘Clay Pigeon” [Motor Function]
- Dave “Clash feat. Stormzy” [We’re All Alone In This Together]
- Kay Young “White Teeth” [Single]
[edit] radio podcast 598 – Right Click and Save As to Download