With just one show to go before we reach episode 600, our founder Kev Lawson delivers a podcast filled with thrilling new music as he talks you through another hand-curated playlist.
Artist “Track” [Album]
- Petey “Lean Into Life” [Lean Into Life]
- Sam Fender “Aye” [Seventeen Going Under]
- One Step Closer “Pringle Street” [This Place You Know]
- Turnstile “BLACKOUT” [GLOW ON]
- Big Thief “Little Things” [Little Things/Sparrow – Single]
- Indigo De Souza “Real Pain” [Any Shape You Take]
- Eyedress “Body Dysmorphia” [Mulholland Drive]
- Day Wave “Before We Knew” [Single]
- Magdalena Bay “Secrets (Your Fire)” [Mercurial World]
- Lorde “Fallen Fruit” [Solar Power]
- Spencer. “MyLuv” [Are U Down?]
- No Suits “Sega Genesis” [Single]
- Baby Keem & Kendrick Lamar “family ties” [Single]
- Denzel Curry “The Game” [Single]
- K.Flay “TGIF (feat. Tom Morello)” [Inside Voices – EP]
[edit] radio podcast 599 – Right Click and Save As to Download