On this week’s new music podcast, the handsomest host in the land Ben Marwood returns to share his favourite new music tracks with you.
Artist “Track” [Album]
- MJ Lenderman “She’s Leaving You” [Manning Fireworks]
- Interpol “Evil” [Antics]
- Honeyglaze “Don’t” [Real Deal]
- Bug Club “A Bit Like James Bond” [On The Intricate Inner Workings of the System]
- Ted Leo & the Pharmacists “Gimme the Wire” [The Brutalist Bricks]
- Beach Bunny “Vertigo” [single]
- Naked Giants “Apartment 3” [Shine Away]
- Fcukers “Homie Don’t Shake” [Baggy$$ EP]
- Postal Service “The District Sleeps Alone Tonight (Sylvan Esso remix)” [-]
- Fontaines D.C. “Here’s The Thing” [Romance]
- Peggy Scott-Adams “Mr Right or Mr Wrong” [Hot and Sassy]
[edit] radio podcast 741 – Right Click and Save As to Download