On this week’s podcast, Barry Dolan (AKA Oxygen Thief), edit radio’s purveyor of noise returns to host a show dedicated to the shoutiest new music that money can buy/subscribe to.
Artist “Title” [Album]
- Spring Silver “Another Perfect Day, Another Perfect Night” [Single]
- Gulfer “Drainer” [Third Wind]
- Red Vanilla “All These Better Things” [Single]
- Melanie Baker “Double Decker Death Machine” [Double Decker Death Machine EP]
- OU “Frailty” [II: Frailty]
- Shellac “Tattoos” [To All Trains]
- WOAHGETTER “I Can’t Love You Anymore” [Single]
- Chris T-T “Giraffes #1” [London Is Sinking]
- Micah Schnabel “Real Estate” [The Clown Watches The Clock]
- Other Half “Farm Games” [Dark Ageism]
- Cloud Nothings “Mouse Policy” [Final Summer]
- Respire “Distant Light Of Belonging” [Hiraeth]
- Sleepytime Gorilla Museum “El Evil” […Of The Last Human Being]
- The Blood Brothers “Love Rhymes With Hideous Car Wreck” [Crimes]
[edit] radio podcast 727 – Right Click and Save As to Download