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Pop Smarts – Sep ’14

Put simply, here’s [edit] radio’s list of the best pop music which for one reason or another is still flying a little under the radar, best listen as (sarcasm alert!) it won’t be cool to like these artists for long: Karen Harding In the wake of Keisza it seems like every talent manager and his cookie cutter…

Pop Smarts – August ’14

It’s been a little quiet on the quality pop releases front this August, sure there have been new singles from the likes of Iggy Azalea, Ed Sheeran, Sam Smith and Maroon 5; but they’re very much business as usual for all the acts involved. So this month on Pop Smarts we’re looking at the pop acts who are, or…

Pop Smarts – July ’14

NEW FEATURE ALERT! – Regular listeners to my podcast on [edit] radio will know that my previously pretentious prejudice against commercial pop music has somewhat softened over the past two years. I don’t know how and when it happened, but at some point I stopped spending so much time worrying about where the art came from…