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[edit] radio podcast 273: Featuring Hot Chip, Emmy the Great and Houndmouth

Recorded in Paul’s brand new kitchen – seriously he has as many as Ed Miliband – along with  cohorts Tom and Ben, on this week’s [edit] radio podcast the intrepid trio talking forgotten Irish drinks, demon knitters, holographic podcasters and playing some lovely new music. Artist “Song” [Album] Houndmouth “Sedona” [Little Neon Limelight] Hot Chip “Huarache…

[edit] radio podcast 260

Sick of the crap music that’s been piped into all of the stores across the UK at the moment? Us too! That’s why Tom, Paul & Ben are the saints of amazing Christmas tunes this week on [edit] radio. We sincerely hope you enjoy! Artist “Song” [Album] Cat Stevens “Bring Another Bottle Baby” [Skyless &…