On her return to the podcast, Jenessa Williams chats about honeymoons, Windrush, and the joyful relief of not having to pretend that you like your mates’ new music.
Artist “Track” [Album]
- Eloise “Drunk On A Flight” [Single]
- CMAT “Have Fun!” [Crazymad, For Me]
- Arlo Parks “puppy” [My Soft Machine]
- Spielmann “The Right Track” [Single]
- The Japanese House “Sunshine Baby” [In The End It Always Does]
- Metro boomin “Calling feat. A Boogie wit da Hoodie, Swae Lee & Nav” [Metro Boomin Presents Spiderman: Across The Spiderverse]
- ENNY “Take It Slow feat. Loyle Carner” [Single]
- Waterbaby “911” [Foam EP]
- Le Serrafim “no return (into the unknown)”[Unforgiven]
- Olivia Dean “Carmen” [Messy]
[edit] radio podcast 682 – Right Click and Save As to Download