Podcast 665 | NewJeans, boygenius and Daughter

Jenessa Williams shares her favourite tracks from January, as well as some you may have missed from late last year. Expect indie, disco and indie-disco.

Artist “Track” [Album]

  1. NewJeans – Ditto [Single]
  2. boygenius “$20″ [The Record]
  3. Young Fathers “Geronimo” [Heavy Heavy]
  4. Charlotte Adigéry & Bolis Pupul “Thankyou” [Topical Dancer]
  5. Yaeji “For Granted” [With A Hammer]
  6. Willie J Healey feat. Jamie T “Thankyou” [Bunny]
  7. nell mescal “Homesick” [Single]
  8. Razor braids “Nashville, Again” [Single]
  9. Little Simz “Angel” [NO THANKYOU]
  10. Daughter “Be On Your Way” [Stereo Mind Game]

[edit] radio podcast 665 – Right Click and Save As to Download