Talking spring, sore throats and social upheaval, Jenessa Williams takes you on a lo-fi odyssey of all the chill sounds that have been keeping her company this March.
- Oliver Sim “Romance With A Memory” [Single]
- Orion Sun “intro” [Getaway]
- Rosalia “CANDY” [MOTAMAMI]
- Normani “Fair” [Single]
- Jasmine Oakley “Gone” [Single]
- MUNA “Anything But Me” [Single]
- Kae Tempest & Lianne La Havas “No Prizes” [The Line Is A Curve]
- Charli XCX ‘Yuck” [CRASH]
- BROODS & Tove Lo “I Keep” [Space Island]
- Rachel Chinouriri “All I Ever Asked” [Single]
[edit] radio podcast 626 – Right Click and Save As to Download