Podcast 612 | Featuring CMAT, Conan Gray and THE BOYZ

Jenessa wraps up her final podcast of the year by talking about her new band tips for 2022, her enduring affection for a sad banger, and the magic of songwriters who know how to articulate difficult dynamics of family life in their songs.

Artist “Track” [Album]

  1. Adele “My Little Love” [30]
  2. Sam Fender “Better Of Me” [Seventeen Going Under]
  3. Nilufer Yanya “Stabilise” [PAINLESS]
  4. CMAT “No More Virgos” [If My Wife New I’d Be Dead]
  5. English Teacher “Good Grief” [Single]
  6. THE BOYZ – THRILL RIDE [Thrill-Ing]
  7. Conan Gray “Telepath [Single]
  8. Fizzy Orange “Wonder” [Single]
  9. KAYTRANDA “Intimidated featuring H.E.R” [Intimidated EP]
  10. Let’s Eat Grandma “Two Ribbons” [Two Ribbons]
  11. NewDad “Ladybird” [Ladybird EP]

[edit] radio podcast 612 – Right Click and Save As to Download