On this week’s podcast host & folk-punk sensation, Ben Marwood talks us through his favourite new music tracks from the past few months while he cooks his tea ?
Artist “Track” [Album]
- Wet Leg “Chaise Longue” [Single]
- Czarface & MF DOOM “Young World” [Super What?]
- Sufjan Stevens & Angelo De Augustine “Fictional California” [A Beginner’s Mind]
- Amyl and the Sniffers “Security” [Comfort To Me]
- The Vega Bodegas “All My Fish Are Dead” [Single]
- Muna “Silk Chiffon (ft. Phoebe Bridgers)” [Single]
- Sløtface “Static” [Sorry For the Late Reply]
- Sam Amidon “Correspondence (ft. Inga)” [Our First 100 days]
- Phoebe Bridgers “Kyoto [Glitch Gum Remix]” [-]
- Tom Cardy “Business Man” [Artificial Intelligence]
- Ben Folds “Rockin’ the Suburbs” [Rockin’ the Suburbs]
[edit] radio podcast 605 – Right Click and Save As to Download