On this week’s podcast our founder, Kev Lawson shares another hand-curated playlist of all-killer, no-filler new music.
Artist “Track” [Album]
- Wolf Alice “The Last Man on Earth” [Blue Weekend]
- Julien Baker “Repeat” [Little Oblivions]
- IAN SWEET “Sing Till I Cry” [Show Me How You Disappear]
- shame “Born in Luton” [Drunk Tank Pink]
- Cherry Glazerr “Big Bang” [Single]
- Hannah Jadagu “Think Too Much” [Single]
- The Far East “NYC Dream” [New York Is For Lovers – EP]
- For Those I Love “Birthday / The Pain” [For Those I Love}
- Sofia Kourtesis “La Perla (Edit)” [Single]
- Shygirl “Tasty” [Tasty – EP]
- The Clash “Lost In the Supermarket” [London Calling]
- Gender Roles “So Useless” [Single]
- FKA twigs, Headie One & Fred again.. “Don’t Judge Me” [Single]
[edit] radio podcast 573 – Right Click and Save As to Download