On this week’s podcast, Kev Lawson curates an hour’s worth of amazing new music to help those of you in the UK get through another lockdown.
Artist “Track” [Album]
- Jean Dawson “Devilish” [Pixel Bath]
- MorMor “Don’t Cry” [Single]
- Nilufer Yanya “Crash” [Feeling Lucky – EP]
- Bring Me the Horizon “Parasite Eve” [POST HUMAN: SURVIVAL HORROR]
- Touché Amoré “Limelight (feat. Manchester Orchestra)” [Lament]
- The Weather Station “Robber” [Single]
- Adrianne Lenker “not a lot, just forever” [songs]
- The Marias “bop it up!” [Single]
- Julien Baker “Faith Healer” [Little Oblivions]
- Shelly “Steeeam” [Single]
- Amy Ayanda “Beginners” [Young – EP]
- Nao “Woman (feat. Lianne La Havas)” [Single]
- JGRREY “Doubt Nothing” [Single]
- Hot Chip “Straight to the Morning (feat. Jarvis Cocker)” [Single]
[edit] radio podcast 558 – Right Click and Save As to Download