Podcast 553 | Featuring For Those I Love, Jazmine Sullivan and PawPaw Rod

On this week’s podcast, Kev Lawson discusses COVID fatigue, the end of genres and more as he talks you through another handpicked playlist of new music.

Artist “Track” [Album]

  1. Fleet Foxes “Jara” [Shore]
  2. For Those I Love “I Have a Love” [Single]
  3. Bartees Strange “Mustang” [Live Forever]
  4. Sault “Free” [Untitled (Rise)”
  5. Jazmine Sullivan “Lost One” [Single]
  6. PawPaw Rod “HIT EM WHERE IT HURTS” [Single]
  7. guardin “hope again” [Single]
  8. Faye Webster “Better Distractions” [Single]
  9. Jenny O. “God Knows Why” [New Truth]
  10. Lomelda “Hannah Sun” [Hannah]
  11. Adrianne Lenker “anything” [songs]
  12. beabadoobee “Worth It” [Fake It Flowers]

[edit] radio podcast 553 – Right Click and Save As to Download