On this week’s podcast, Ben Marwood is large and in charge of another week’s music, new and used, from across the globe.
Artist “Track” [Album]
- Childish Gambino “35.31” [3.15.20]
- Jeff Rosenstock “Scram!” [NO DREAM]
- Frances Quinlan “Went to LA” [Likewise]
- Sports Team “Going Soft” [Deep Down Happy]
- Car Seat Headrest “Martin” [Making A Door Less Open]
- Empty Country “Ultrasound” [Empty Country]
- Death By Unga Bunga “Not Like The Others” [single]
- Jane “It’s A Fine Day” [Jane and Barton]
- Phoebe Bridgers “Kyoto” [Punisher]
- Into It. Over It. “Local Language” [Owen/Into It. Over It. split EP]
- Grandaddy “The Crystal Lake” [The Sophtware Slump]
[edit] radio podcast 537 – Right Click and Save As to Download