On this week’s podcast, Ben Marwood kicks starts his 2020 and a new decade with a heap of amazing new music that he couldn’t squeeze into his December podcast.
Artist “Track” [Album]
- Malibu Ken “Tuesday” [Malibu Ken]
- Nada Surf “Looking For You” [Never Not Together]
- Tiny Moving Parts “Applause” [Swell]
- Wizo “The Count” [Short Music For Short People]
- Dr Dre “Forgot About Dre (ft. Eminem)” [2001]
- Jesca Hoop “Song For a Bygone Era” [Stonechild Afterbirth]
- Frances Quinlan “Rare Thing” [Likewise]
- Tenacious D “Don’t Blow It, Kage” [-]
- Jeffrey Lewis “Except For The Fact That It Isn’t” [Bad Wiring]
- Stan Freburg “Banana Boat” (Day O) [-]
- Oso Oso “Charlie” [Basking In The Glow]
[edit] radio podcast 516 – Right Click and Save As to Download