On this week’s show, the legendary Jack ‘Pop!’ Clothier – the brains and beard behind the amazing Alcopop! Records – hand curates an incredible playlist of new tunes released via the label.
Artist “Track” [Album]
- Gaffa Tape Sandy “So Dry” [Faily Mammal]
- Cheerbleederz “Cabin Fever” [Faceplant EP]
- Raketkanon “Ricky” [RKTKN #3]
- DZ Deathrays “In-To-It” [Positive Rising: Part 1]
- The Spook School “Keep In Touch” [Could It Be Different?]
- Happy Accidents “Wait It Out” [Everything But The Here And Now]
- Art Brut “Wham! Bang! Pow! Let’s Rock Out!” [Wham! Bang! Pow! Let’s Rock Out!]
- Hellogoodbye “S’Only Natural” [S’Only Natural]
- WASABI “Handle With Care” [WASABI]
- Kagoule “Egg Hunt” [Strange Entertainment]
- Itoldyouiwouldeatyou “Get Terrified” [Oh Dearism]
[edit] radio podcast 494 – Right Click and Save As to Download