After appearing solo in March, Tom Crook is rejoined by Paul Whitty and Ben Smith on this month’s podcast as they run the rule over their favourite tracks from the past few months.
- Belle & Sebastian “The Boys Are Back In Town (Live in Belfast)” [The BBC Sessions]
- Frog “American” [Whatever We Probably Already Had It]
- Murray A Lightburn “Here Me Out” [Hear Me Out]
- Pete Astor “Water Tower” [One For The Ghost]
- Gabe Knox “Mooganum” [EP:C]
- Julia Jacklin “Don’t Let The Kids Win” [Crushing]
- Paul Whitty “Easter Theatre” [Edit Radio XTC Covers Challenge]
- Ex:Re “Crushing” [Ex:Re]
- Silver Apples “I Have Known Love” [Silver Apples]
- Sugluk “Fall Away” [Native North America (Vol.1)]
[edit] radio podcast 479 – Right Click and Save As to Download