Hosted by edit’s longtime pal Andy Backhouse – a soon to be a nationally famous radio personality – who brings a playlist of the of the most amazing new music where he goes. Get involved!
Artist “Track” [Album]
- Audiobooks “Hot Salt” [Gothenberg – EP]
- Thee Oh Sees “C” [Smote Reverser]
- Benin City “What the Hell Are You On” [Last Night]
- Grand Pax “Comet” [Phase – EP]
- JOHN “Squad Vowels” [God Speed in the National Limit]
- Ed the Dog “Television Era” [Shame]
- Boy Azooga “Breakfast Epiphany” [1, 2, Kung Fu!]
- Gomo Park “Trypitch Booster” [Echonaut]
- Bloxx “Second Opinion” [Single]
- The Mystery Lights “Follow Me Home” [The Mystery Lights]
- Drones Club “The Dirty Road” [Single]
[edit] radio podcast 444 – Right Click and Save As to Download