In his last podcast of the year our new music champion, Kev Lawson, hoovers up the last few amazing tracks of 2017, covers the artists that he missed earlier in the year and his song to soundtrack Brexit.
Artist “Track” [Album]
- Kelly Lee Owens “Keep Walking” [Kelly Lee Owens]
- Marco Mckinnis “Middle of the Party” [Single]
- Everything Is Recorded “Love Love (feat. Sid & Sampha)” [Single]
- Kara Marni “Golden” [Single]
- Miguel “Told You So” [War & Leisure]
- Shame “Concrete” [Single]
- People Like You “The Baker” [Verse]
- Los Campesinos! “The Fall of Home” [Sick Scenes]
- Mount Eerie “Toothbrush / Trash” [A Crow Looked at Me]
- Taylor Swift “Dancing With Our Hands Tied” [reputation]
- Sylvan Esso “Radio” [What Now]
- Lil Peep “Awful Things” [Come Over When You’re Sober, Pt. 1]
[edit] radio podcast 412 – Right Click and Save As to Download