Podcast 410: Featuring Aldous Harding, Idles and Charlotte Gainsbourg

Although promised by Ben at the end of last week’s podcast, Tom Crook, Ben Smith and Paul Whitty regret to inform you that instead of getting three Ed Sheeran albums played back to back, you be getting these new music gems.

Artist “Track” [Album]

  1. Co-Pilgrim “I’m Not A Wallflower, I’m The Wall” [Moon Lagoon]
  2. Teleman “Nights On Earth” [Funf EP]
  3. The Chesterfields “Completely & Utterly” [Electric Guitars In Their Hearts “The Best Of The Chesterfields]
  4. Aldous Harding “Imagining My Man” [Party]
  5. Summerhill “I’ll Keep You In Mind” [Return To Lowdown]
  6. Paul Whitty “Horsepath Res v. Charlton Res.” [Field Recording]
  7. Paul Whitty “Football Not Happening At Horsepath” [Field Recording]
  8. Idles “Well Done” [Brutalism]
  9. Jackie Oates “Mother/Spring Is Coming Soon” [The Joy Of Living]
  10. Dauwd “Glass Jelly” [Theory Of Colours]
  11. Charlotte Gainsbourg “Deadly Valentine” [Rest]
  12. Billy Bragg “Full English Brexit” [Bridges Not Walls]

[edit] radio podcast 410 – Right Click and Save As to Download