On this week’s podcast, founder Kev Lawson is back in his happy place as runs down another 14 ? new artists for you to get excited about this November.
Artist “Track” [Album]
- Dent May “90210” [Across the Multiverse]
- Miss World “Click and You’re Mine” [Waist Management – EP]
- Pink Kink “Munchie Magic” [Single]
- Yaeji “raingurl” [EP2]
- Fever Ray “Mustn’t Hurry” [Plunge]
- Ought “These 3 Things” [Room Inside the World]
- Joy Again “Kim” [Single]
- Matt Pond PA “Still Summer” [Still Summer]
- The Orielles “Let Your Dogtooth Grow (Edit)” [Single]
- Ben Marwood “Safe Mode” [BandCamp Demo]
- Gang of Youths “Say Yes to Life” [Farther in Lightness]
- Nai Palm “Crossfire / So Into You” [Needle Paw]
- Tune-Yards “Look at Your Hands” [you creep into my private life]
- Pinegrove “Intrepid” [Single]
[edit] radio podcast 408 – Right Click and Save As to Download