Podcast 377: Featuring Kendrick Lamar, Tom Tripp and Krispy Kareem

On this week’s podcast, Kev Lawson, brings the new music in force, introducing a heap of incredible ? new artists and some stellar comebacks by some of the most talented artists on the planet ?.

Artist “Song” [Album]

  1. Kendrick Lamar “HUMBLE.” [Single]
  2. Tom Tripp “Aurelia” [Single]
  3. Amber Mark “Lose My Cool” [3:33am – EP]
  4. Portugal. The Man “Feel It Still” [Single]
  5. Very Fresh “Cool Kids” [Hey, It’s Me! – EP]
  6. Krispy Kareem “Fraternity Fathers” [Poussine]
  7. Perfume Genius “Slip Away” [No Shape]
  8. Broken Social Scene “Halfway Home” [Single]
  9. Living “Glory” [Single]
  10. Ben Marwood “The Devil Makes Work For Jazz Hands” [Get Found]

[edit] radio podcast 377 – Right Click and Save As to Download