On his third podcast of the year, folk-punk hero and all round supernice guy Ben Marwood swoops in with his new music picks from the month of February!
Artist “Song” [Album]
- Deadmau5 “Glish” [W:/2016ALBUM/]
- At The Drive-In “Governed By Contagions” [In•ter a•li•a]
- Northcote “Bitter End” [Hope Is Made Of Steel]
- Why? “This Ole King” [Moh lhean]
- Stormzy “Big for Your Boots” [Gang Signs & Prayer]
- Pavement “Stereo” [Brighten the Corners]
- Amber Run “Haze” [For A Moment, I Was Lost]
- Against Me! “Dead Rats” [Shape Shift With Me]
- sad13 “Tell U What” [Slugger]
- Jesca Hoop “Pegasi” [Memories Are Now]
- Bell Biv Devoe “I’m Betta” [Three Stripes]
[edit] radio podcast 374 – Right Click and Save As to Download