[edit] radio podcast 361: Featuring Childcare, Paris Youth Foundation and Gavin Turek


In his last podcast of the year podcast supremo, Kev Lawson shares his final thoughts and new Indie, Pop, RnB and HipHop tracks from 2016!

Artist “Track” [Album]

  1. Miniature Tigers “Crying in the Sunshine” [I Dreamt I Was a Cowboy]
  2. Jorja Smith “Imperfect Circle” [Project 11 – EP]
  3. Paris Youth Foundation “Losing Your Love” [Single]
  4. Zuzu “Get Off” [Single]
  5. Childish Gambino “Redbone” [Awaken, My Love!]
  6. Gavin Turek “Good Look For You” [Single]
  7. CHILDCARE “Film Club” [Single]
  8. Hembree “Holy Water” [Single]
  9. Clay “Stay Calm” [Single]
  10. King No-One “Alcatraz” [Single]
  11. Great Good Fine Ok “Get Away” [Single]
  12. The Lick “Shame” [Single]

[edit] radio podcast 361: Runtime 47:12 (Right Click and Save As to Download)