The calming tones of Crook and Co. (minus one) are here to greet you this Tuesday, as Tom and Ben talk through their favourite tracks from the last month or so in music.
Artist “Song” [Album]
- Yo La Tengo “Friday I’m In Love” [Stuff Like That There]
- Everything Everything “Spring’Sun/Winter/Dread” [Get To Heaven]
- Sondre Lerche “I Cannot let You Go” [Heartbeat Radio]
- Douglas Dare “London’s Rose” [Whelm]
- Trevor Moss & Hannah Lou “From The Morning” [download]
- The Libertines “Gunga Din” [Anthems For Doomed Youth]
- Stan Tracey “Starless And Bible Black” [Under Milk Wood]
- Modeselektor “Pretensious Friends” [Monkeytown]
- Bill Wells & Aidan Moffat “On The Motorway” [The Most Important Place In The World]
- Wilco “Taste The Ceiling” [Star Wars]
- Nina Simone “Nobody Knows You When You’re Down And Out” [Pastel Blues]
[edit] radio podcast 295 – Right Click and Save As to Download