GUEST PODCASTER KLAXON!! Jenessa from Safety In Sound music blog kicks off the month of July here on [edit] radio and brings with here the some early contenders for the Summer anthem of 2015!
Artist “Track” [Album]
- Wolf Alice “Freazy” [My Love Is Cool]
- Lapsley “Falling Short” [Understudy]
- Julio Bashmore featuring Sam Dew “Holding On” [Single]
- Brand New “Mene” [Single]
- Misty Miller “Happy” [Single]
- LA Priest “Oino” [Inji]
- The Maccabees “Marks to Prove It” [Marks To Prove It]
- Summer Camp “House Party” [Beyond Clueless OST]
- Billie Marten “Heavy Weather” [Single]
- Mini Mansions feat. Alex Turner “Vertigo” [The Great Pretenders]
[edit] radio podcast 289 – Right Click and Save As to Download