Tom, Ben and Paul return for their first podcast of 2015 with a look back at their musical highlights from 2014 and play a few more favourites they just didn’t find the space to play.
Artist “Song” [Album]
- Todd Terje “Inspector Norse” [It’s Album Time]
- Metronomy “The Upsetter” [Love Letter]
- Jack White “That Black Bat Liquorice” [Lazaratto]
- War On Drugs “Red Eyes” [Lost In Dreams]
- Future Islands “Seasons (Waiting On You)” [Singles]
- King Creosote “Cargill” [From Scotland With Love]
- Metronomy “Monstrous” [Love Letters]
- Tweedy “Low Key” [Sukierae]
- First Aid Kit “Stay Gold” [Stay Gold]
- Roddy Frame “White Pony” [Seven Dials]
- Beck “Cycle [Morning Phase]
- Beck “Morning” [Morning Phase]
- East India Youth “Heave, How Long” [Total Strife Forever]
- Eaux “Head” [Plastics]
- Paul Whitty “Alarm In Meriden Court” [Field Recording]
- Breton “Convention Centre” [War Room Stories]
- Sharon Van Etten “Every Time The Sun Comes Up” [Are We There?]
[edit] radio podcast 265 – Right Click and Save As to Download