As hurricane Gonzalo batters the fair isles of the UK, Tom Crook and provide the perfect antidote to cold winds with a warming soup of a podcast that will brighten the darkening nights.
Artist “Song” [Album]
- Tweedy “Nobody Dies Anymore” [Sukierae]
- James Yorkeston “Feathers Are Falling” [The Cellardyke Recording and Wassailing Society]
- Teenage Fanclub “I Don’t Want Control Of You” [Songs From Northern Britain]
- Lost Souvenirs “Messed Up On Purpose” [The Lost Souvenirs Cassette]
- Hard ‘n’ Phirm “Rodeohead” [Horses And Grasses (The Gelding Cut)]
- Thom Yorke “A Brain In A Bottle” [Tomorrow’s Modern Boxes]
- Paul Whitty “Wind and Rain Striking the Gate Between First Marsh and Second Marsh” [field recording]
- The Flaming Lips “Sponge Bob and Patrick Confront the Psychic Wall of Energy” [Sponge Bob The Movie]
- Suede “We Are The Pigs” [Dog Man Star]
- Beck “Sexx Laws” [Midnite Vultures]
[edit] radio podcast 252 – Right Click and Save As to Download