Bookending May’s month of music here on the [edit] radio podcast is Hall of Sound with another hours worth of music both new and used. In the words of the of the Chemical Brothers, “Here We Go!”
Artist “Song” [Album]
- Joe Strummer & The Mescaleros “Rudy Can’t Fail” [Live at Acton Town Hall]
- The Hold Steady “I Hope This Whole Thing Didn’t Frighten You” [Teeth Dreams]
- Joanna Gruesome “Anti Parent Cowboy Killers” [Weird Sister]
- Shawn Womack X’sia “Black Confucius” [Single]
- Me First & The Gimme Gimmes “Crazy For You” [We Are Not Men, We are Divas]
- Fear of Men “Waterfall” [Loom]
- Trampolene “Alcohol Kiss”[Trampolene]
- Goldn “Jus Say It” [Single]
- Eno-Hyde “Witness” [Someday World]
- Nick Lowe “All Men Are Liars” [Party of One]
[edit] radio podcast 231 – Right Click and Save As to Download