[edit radio podcast 214

Colin Williams and Paul Collins are back on [edit] radio with their Hall of Sound podcast, bringing you over an hours worth of meandering musings and their favourite music from 2013.

Band “Song” [Album]
  1. Jack Cade & The Everyday Sinners “Dead Weight Walking” [Lord of the Empty Manor]
  2. Yo La Tengo “Ohm” [Fade]
  3. Fidlar “Waiting For The Man” [FIDLAR]
  4. Jetplane Landing “Cheapskate Tricks for Worn Down People” [Don’t Try]
  5. Daughter “Youth” [If You Leave]
  6. Amy’s Ghost “Victim Of The Mind” [Sartres Flower]
  7. The Polysonic “Unstoppable” [Collide EP]
  8. Teleman “Cristina” [Single]
  9. Macklemore & Ryan Lewis “Same Love” [The Heist]
  10. Public Service Broadcasting “Signal 30” [Inform Educate Entertain]
[edit] radio podcast 214 – Right Click and Save As to Download