Back to life, back to reality, back to Ben Marwood. That’s right the man you know for comparing our life to mixtapes, puts one together for your listening pleasure. It’s another 40 minutes of the best in music new and used.
Band “Song” [Album]
- Shad “Fam Jam (Fe Sum Immigrins)” [Flying Colours]
- Future of the Left “Johnny Borrell Afterlife” [How To Stop Your Brain In An Accident]
- Pharrell Williams “Happy” [OST: Despicable Me 2]
- Sufjan Stevens “Christmas In The Room” [Christmas Infinity Voyage: Songs for Christmas, Vol. VIII]
- Dismemberment Plan “Ice Of Boston” [The Dismemberment Plan Is Terrified]
- Jetplane Landing “Magnetic Sea” [Don’t Try]
- Harvey Danger “Flagpole Sitta” [Where Have All The Merrymakers Gone?]
- Oxygen Thief “Terry Nutkins Salute” [Accidents Do Not Happen, They Are Caused]
- Chvrches “Recover” [The Bones of What You Believe]
- Shovels & Rope “This Means War” [O Be Joyful]
[edit] radio podcast 212 – Right Click and Save As to Download