[edit] radio podcast 200

For the prestigious 200th podcast, Tom and Co. left the safety of Ben’s kitchen, and, armed only with a Fisher Price tape recorder and a Ford Focus, took Edit Radio on the road. So here now, we present to you the fruits of their labour, the podcast we’ve given the catchy title “The Edit Radio 200th Episode Outside Broadcast Doorstep Challenge”. It’s been a journey.

Band “Song” [Album]
  1. The Decemberists “Down By The Water” [The King Is Dead]
  2. Les Clochards “Salut Clochards” [live session]
  3. Robin Bennet “We Used To Have Parties” [live session]
  4. Black Hearted Brother “This Is How It Feels” [Stars Are Our Home]
  5. Jackie Oates “Please Leave A Light On When You Go” [live session]
  6. Megan Henwood “Chemicals” [live session]
  7. Bobbi Humphrey “Black & Blues” [Black & Blues]
  8. KMD “Plumskinz” [Nitty Gritty 12″]
  9. MF Doom feat. Thom Yorke & Jonny Greenwood “Retarded Fren” [Complex Vol.1]
  10. Maff Potts “Don’t Get Around Much Anymore” [live session]
  11. Maff, Ruth, Ben, Paul & To “Happy Birthday” [live session]
[edit] radio podcast 200 – Right Click and Save As to Download