[edit] radio podcast 191

After a short break to tour the US of A with Mr Frank Turner, Ben Marwood returns to [edit] radio with a dashing 40 odd minutes of new and used. It’s good to have him back.

Artist “Song” [Album]

  1. Living Colour “Cult of Personality” [Vivid] 
  2. Sean Nelson “Make Good Choices” [Make Good Choices] 
  3. Daft Punk “Instant Crush (ft. Julian Casablancas)” [Random Access Memories] 
  4. Waxahatchee “Coast to Coast” [Cerulean Salt] 
  5. Dinosaur Pile-Up “Lip Hook Kiss” [Nature Nurture] 
  6. Jason Isbell “Elephant” [Southeastern] 
  7. Spoon “Everything Hits At Once” [Girls Can Tell] 
  8. Frank Turner “Polaroid Picture” [Tape Deck Heart] 
  9. Mynameisian “I Watch Too Many TV Shows” [unknown] 
  10. The Decemberists “16 Military Wives” [Picaresque]
[edit] radio podcast 191 – Right Click and Save As to Download