[edit] radio podcast 146

This week Barry Dolan AKA Oxygen Thief brings you [edit] radio’s monthly 40 odd minute dose of Metal.

Band “Song” [Album]

  1. Hammer No More The Fingers “Pink Worm” [Pink Worm] 
  2. Just Like Vinyl “Bitches Get Stitches” [Black Mass]
  3. Deftones “Leathers” [Koi No Yokan]
  4. Torch “Letting Go” [Harmonicraft]
  5. We Are Knuckle Dragger “iPhucker” [Tit For Tat]
  6. Palehorse “Amongst The Flock” [Amongst The Flock]
  7. Cay “Fuck Off New York” [Album 2 demos]
  8. Llama Farmers “Ice Lungs” [Get The Keys And Go b-side]
  9. Green Day “Desensitized” [Shenanigans]
  10. NOFX “My Sycophant Other” [Self-Entitled]
  11. Ben Folds Five “Erase Me” [The Sound of the Life of the Mind]
[edit] radio podcast 146 – Right Click and Save As to Download