[edit] radio founder, Kevin Lawson, drags the podcast (and himself) into the summer months with another superlative 40 odd minutes of alternative music, both new and used.
Band “Song” [Album]
- Japandroids “Fire’s Highway” [Celebration Rock]
- Fighting With Wire “LastLove Song” [Soundcloud]
- Hot Chip “Look At Where We Are” [In Our Heads]
- Field Report “Taking Alcatraz” [Soundcloud]
- The Adelines “Little Games” [Single]
- Animal Collective “Honeycomb” [Single]
- Skeleton Lipstick “I Find All Your Love So Vain” [You Think You Know Me – EP]
- Beach House “Wild” [Bloom]
- Real Estate “Exactly Nothing” [Single]
- Beck “Loser” [Mellow Gold]
[edit] radio podcast 130 – Right Click and Save As to Download