[edit] radio podcast 125

It’s the first podcast of a new month and that means Kevin Lawson is back behind the decks for this weeks show. Bringing with him 40 odd minutes of the best in new and alternative music and a short interview with Eugene McGuinness.

Band “Song” [Album]

  1. Jack White “Sixteen Saltines” [Blunderbuss]
  2. Hot Chip “Night & Day” [In Our Heads]
  3. Purity Ring “Obedear” [Shrines]
  4. Liars “No.1 Against The Rush” [Soundcloud]
  5. Dive “How Long Have You Known?” [Soundcloud]
  6. Eugene McGuinness “Shotgun” [The Invitation to The Voyage]
  7. Japandroids “The House That Heaven Built” [Celebration Rock]
  8. Kwes “Igoyh” [Meantime-EP]
  9. Alunageorge “We Are Chosen” [Single]
  10. Cake “Short Skirt / Long Jacket” [Comfort Eagle]

[edit] radio podcast 125 – Right Click and Save As to Download