[edit] radio podcast 96

He may have stupid hair and wonky teeth but we at [edit] radio love the tea drinking maverick this is Ben Marwood! who takes control of the podcast for it’s 96th edition. Winner!

Band “Song” [Album]

  1. Bud Flanagan “Who Do You Think You Are Kidding, Mr Hitler?” [-]
  2. Frank Turner “Wessex Boy” [England Keep My Bones]
  3. Foster the People “Helena Beat” (Lunchbox Riot Remix) [-]
  4. Tom Williams & the Boat “Denmark” [Too Slow]
  5. Pete and the Pirates “United” [One Thousand Pictures]
  6. The Dirty Nil “Verona Lung” [Fuckin’ Up Young]
  7. Wilco “Dawned On Me” [The Whole Love]
  8. REM “Bad Day” [The Best of REM]
  9. The Decemberists “Of Angels and Angles” [Picaresque]
  10. Noah and the Whale “Waiting For My Chance To Come” [Last Night On Earth]
  11. Scroobius Pip “Introdiction” [Distraction Pieces]

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