[edit] radio podcast 94

This week a slightly hungover and quasi drunk Kevin Lawson leads you through another 45 minutes in the best of new and alternative music. (Warning some strong language)

Band “Song” [Album]

  1. Pete and The Pirates “Bright Lights” [Little Death]
  2. Nirvana “Breed” [Nevermind]
  3. Pulled Apart By Horses “Back to the F**k Yeah” [Pulled Apart By Horses]
  4. Los Campesinos! “By Your Hand” [Hello Sadness]
  5. The Drums “Money” [Portamento]
  6. Gauntlet Hair “My Christ” [Gauntlet Hair]
  7. St Vincent “Chloe In The Afternoon” [Strange Mercy]
  8. Wild Beasts “Thankless Thing” [B Side]
  9. TEETH “Flowers” [Whatever]
  10. HEALTH “Goth Star” [Pictureplane Cover]
  11. Ben Marwood “We Are No Longer Twenty Five” [Xtra Mile High Vol 3]

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