After a month away [edit] radio is delighted to welcome back Tom Crook and his live session to this weeks podcast. It’s safe to say he’s been missed.
Band “Song” [Album]
- Violent Femmes “Blister In The Sun” [Violent Femmes]
- Singing Adams “Elisabeth Frink” [Everybody Friends Now]
- Zeus “The River By The Garden” [Say Us]
- Esther Phillips “Home Is where The Hatred Is” [From A Whisper To A Scream]
- Andrew Milloy and The Invisible Few “Two” [Edit Session]
- Andrew Milloy and The Invisible Few “Phoebe” [Edit Session]
- Moonflowers “Smile In The Face Of Evil And Dance” [From Whales To Jupiter And Beyond The Stars To Rainbohemia]
- Foster The People “Pumped Up Kicks” [Single]
- Teenage Fanclub “Broken” [B-side]