After spending a month in a bus touring and playing shows the UK with Frank Turner and Franz Nicolay, the excellent Ben Marwood returns to the [edit] radio podcast to deliver another 40 minute dose of the best in new and alternative music.
Band “Song” [Album]
- Fight Like Apes “Captain A-Bomb” [The Body Of Christ and the Legs of Tina Turner]
- Two Door Cinema Club “Something Good Can Work” [Tourist History]
- Pete and the Pirates “Come To The Bar” [One Thousand Pictures]
- Stephen Malkmus and the Jicks “Senator” [Mirror Traffic]
- Foster the People “Pumped Up Kicks” [Torches]
- Franz Nicolay “This Is Not A Pipe” [Luck and Courage]
- Frank Turner “If I Ever Stray” [England Keep My Bones]
- Frank Turner “Nights Become Days” [England Keep My Bones]
- Mountain Goats “Sax Rohmer #1” [Heretic Pride]
- Band of Horses “The Funeral” [Everything All The Time]