Looking for talented and dedicated contributors

Do you have a passion for music and writing?

Are you a band/artist that wants to get your music played?

Are you a budding DJ that need an audience?

Are you interested in doing a guest podcast?

If the answer to any of these questions is a big fat YES, then [edit] radio wants to hear from YOU!

[edit] radio is currently accepting submissions for the following:

  • Tracks, EP’s and Albums from talented local musicians
  • Press Releases
  • Local Promoter that is trying to spread the word about a gig or new release
  • Podcasters
  • Mixtapes from local DJ’s (around 30 minutes long)
  • Single reviews (400 words limit)
  • Album reviews (800 words limit)
  • Music Columnists (1000 words limit)
  • Live Gigs reviews (400 words limit)
Please e-mail these and other suggestions an  idea’s to Submissions@editradio.org and we will do our level best to respond.
Kev x