[edit] radio podcast 43

Thats right everyone that are BACK!!!!! Ami-Beth Phipps and Pete New return from their travels around the US of muthachuffing A to bring you the warmest buttery melt in your ear podcasting biscuit of joy!!!! It’s 40 minutes of the most amazing music and banter you are to find on the net. Welcome back Ami And Pete…

Band “Song” [Album]

  1. C.W. Stoneking “The Love Me Or Die” [Jungle Blues]
  2. Wooden Wand “Death Seat” [Death Seat]
  3. Panda Bear “You Can Count On Me” [7″]
  4. Warpaint “Undertow” [Fool]
  5. Black Angels “Entrance Song” [Phospene Dream]
  6. Marnie Stern “Gimme” [Marnie Stern]
  7. Jeffrey Lewis “Roll Bus Roll” [Em Are I]
  8. Slits “New Town” [Cut]
  9. Tamaryn “Mild Confusion” [The Waves]
  10. Dam Mantle “A Statue That Is Perpetually Unveiled” [First Wave]