[edit] radio podcast 15

Ben Marwoodaholics of the world prepare for another fix of the everyones favorite and least destructive thing to be addicted to. Ben will be guiding you through another 40 mins of amazing new music along with another of his now legendary “guilty pleasures”

Band “Song” [Album]

  1. weezer “my name is jonas” [weezer – the blue album]
  2. futureheads “struck dumb” [the chaos]
  3. akira the don “werewolves” [thieving]
  4. mumford and sons “the cave” [sigh no more]
  5. vampire weekend “giving up the gun” [contra]
  6. fight like apes “lend me your face” [.. and the mystery of the golden medallion]
  7. the hold steady “hurricane j” [heaven is whenever]
  8. laura marling “hope in the air” [i speak because i can]
  9. charlie drake “my boomerang won’t come back” [all aboard!]
  10. bombay bicycle club “evening/morning” [i had the blues but i shook them loose]
  11. mark ronson ft alex greenwald “just” [version]

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